The study was focused on the role of emotional intelligence and work-life balance on job stress using Dataplus interactive in Abuja as case study. The study employed survey research design. with the use of purposive sampling method, thirty(30) respondent who are staffs of Dataplus Interactive were selected. Questionnaire was issued, and all were retrieved and validated for the study. Data was presented and analyzed using frequency and table, which provided answers to the research questions. findings from the study revealed that emotional intelligence shapes employee perception and enable them avert feelings of dissatisfaction and imbalance towards the job even in the face of stress and it also It helps employees to maintain optimistic and positive traits in the face of adversity.Employees who have higher emotional intelligence experiences less job stress because the adjust swiftly to new work related challenges without friction. The study therefore recommends that Management of organizations should enhance their leadership styles,engagement and policies in order to create a serene working environment and condition which would reduce employee’s job stress, help them maintain balance and enhance employee’ commitment to organization
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